Case StudyFMCG Event Campaign PR Social Media Influencer Management

Toms Confectionary Warehouse Launch event

Australia's largest lolly store


FMCG Event Campaign


PR Social Media Influencer Management


The Bastion Amplify team recently worked on the launch of Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse, Australia’s largest lolly store 🍭 at Highpoint Shopping Centre! We welcomed media and influencers for an exclusive launch event where lucky attendees got the chance to roam the wide aisles for lollies and dive into pools of sweets using the human-sized claw before it officially opened. Thanks to The Herald Sun, Sunrise, 7News, 9News, 10News, Timeout, 3AW and more for all their coverage on Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse! We’re excited to see what’s next in-store for Tom’s! Fantastic work by Georgia Comensoli Nicole Osborne Alicia Henry Chloe Dunn Naomi Sanders Ash Monaghan-Dowling Richard Chapman.

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