Case StudyGovernment Insights Research

ACCC Overcoming scams

Providing the ACCC with a framework to communicate with vulnerable Australians to help them identify and avoid scams




Insights Research


With scam and online fraud on the rise, the Australian Government tasked the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission ACCC to setup the National Anti-Scam Centre (NASC) to combat scams and better protect consumers. The ACCC sought to gain insights into the unique behaviours and challenges First Nations peoples, people living with disability/disabilities and small business owners’ experience with scams and ultimately provide a framework for communication for these audiences. The ACCC therefore commissioned Bastion Insights to conduct a literature review of existing research and secondary sources, and to undertake interviews with key service stakeholders to gain insights into the unique behaviours and challenges of the three target audience’s’ experience with scams. Bastion Insights conducted an extensive literature review of existing materials which included 47 sources (around 15 per audience). The results of this stage were used to inform and optimise our approach for the next stage. Bastion Insights then conducted n=30 one-hour in-depth interviews with key stakeholder organisations who commonly engage with the audiences on a range of topics. Bastion Insights worked closely with the NASC to develop the list of proposed organisations, and provided the client with the contact details and outcomes from the recruitment stage as an added deliverable. A framework for communication was developed (covering messages and channels used to engage different audiences, including a checklist of communication dos and don’ts for each) and is being used to shape strategies to engage, educate and communicate with these audiences most effectively.

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