Case StudySocial Media Brand Strategy Advertising Creative Content Creation Film Production Partnership Management Merchandise Experiential

SIXT Australia Rental Relief

Tell your landlord to TRUCK OFF.


Social Media Brand Strategy Advertising Creative Content Creation Film Production Partnership Management Merchandise Experiential


Amplify Communications Make
SIXT Australia is helping everyday Aussies who’ve been forced out of their homes by record rent increases. Bastion was tasked with the launch of SIXT Rental Relief, which sees the daily rate on moving trucks and vans decrease by the same percentage the customer’s rent has increased. This service will help renters facilitate a more affordable move at a time when cost of living pressures are crippling much of the population. For example, if a customer had a 15% per cent home rental increase, they’ll save 15% per cent on their van or truck rental. 30% = 30% discount, 50% = 50%. The campaign features Chantelle Schmidt, a Sydney resident with lived experience who shared her rental journey on TikTok, amassing over 5 million plays on her journey challenging her landlord’s most recent rent increase. Bastion had the opportunity to Think Wide for this integrated campaign including activation, social, OOH and a digital partnership with, targeting areas with the highest rental increases across Australia. Launched in Sydney, SIXT trucks sharing the bold message to landlords are being rolled out in the areas during peak rental inspection times.

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