Case StudyTechnology Development Digital Customer Experience (CX)

Private Media UX/UI Site Refresh

Private Media is a publishing company with four distinct mastheads: Crikey, The Mandarin, Smart Company, and Inc. Australia. 




Development Digital Customer Experience (CX)


Problem Statement / Requirements: The organisation has been considering a UX refresh for some time, as a way of level setting the websites to fall in line with 2023 consumer expectations and drive forward commercial ambitions.  By creating a more aligned User Interface across structure, design, and functionality this also allows for ability to scale and grow rapidly. PM: “The UX refresh project is a way to create the best possible re-start for a collection of mastheads which no longer optimally serve readers, or the Private Media editorial staff for whom the sites are a vehicle to showcase their craft.”

Project Plan

Landscape analysis across key competitor websites as well as the 4 mastheads, identifying consistencies, gaps, and areas to improve. Key focus on reviewing customer journeys, templates including layout and structure and design foundations. 

Review the IA Structure across each masthead, providing an updated navigation using data to drive the final structure supporting both stakeholder and consumer requirements.  

Template & Component redesign across 3 devices (Mobile, Desktop & Tablet) 

with a key focus on improving the user experience and interface across each template and customer journey: 

> Homepage 

> Categories 

> Standard Article & Sponsored Series 

> Search and Results Page 

> eBook 

> Webinar 

> Event 

> Author Page 

> Subscription Page 

> Paywall Communication 

> My Account (Side-draw & Dashboard) 

> Cart & Checkout 

Create Mid-Fidelity Prototypes and run User Testing with existing masthead users to help validate the updates made whilst also get further learnings on ways to improve the overall user experience. These tests will also be done across different devices ensuring we are delivering an optimised experience for the user. 

Build out the Private Media User Interface Kit ensuring all foundational assets and components pass accessibility and functionality standards. This UI Kit will allow for a streamlined process when scaling and introducing new mastheads under the Private Media umbrella but also provide a ringfence to avoid changes that are not aligned with design rules in place. 

Create Hi-Fidelity templates with annotations for stakeholder and developer handover. 

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